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Our Clients
Our clients are private investors, with investible assets of at least $1 million. These families, business owners, executives, entrepreneurs and professionals have entrusted their wealth management to us. Many recognized that they had outgrown their previous money manager or investment manager, and aspired to a more defined investment process.
Being focused on private clients, and not institutional investors, also helps us to be nimble. We have no unnecessary constraints and have the flexibility to pursue opportunities where we see value.
As discretionary managers, we devise an asset mix that suits our clientele’s diverse circumstances, goals and life stages. Whether you’re looking to build wealth for future generations or prepare for “what’s next?” after a successful career, we can help you to achieve long-term growth. Contact us to learn how.
Business Owners and Entrepreneurs
Trading and margin accounts, RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs, RESPs, and RDSPs
Accountants, lawyers, and medical professionals
Looking to preserve their wealth for the next generation, whether through tax sheltered plans, trusts, or other estate planning
Executives of private and public companies